Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB)

Official Website

The RECOMB conference series was founded in 1997 to provide a scientific forum for theoretical advances in computational biology and their applications in molecular biology and medicine. The conference solicits research contributions from all areas of computational molecular biology.


Typical but not exclusive topics of interest include:

  • Molecular sequence analysis
  • Recognition of genes and regulatory elements
  • Molecular evolution
  • Gene expression
  • Biological networks
  • Sequencing and genotyping techniques
  • Genomics
  • Population genetics
  • Systems biology
  • Imaging
  • Computational proteomics
  • Molecular structural biology

The origins of the conference came from the mathematical and computational side of the field, and there remains a focus on computational advances. In addition, the effective use of computational techniques in biological discovery is also an important aspect of the conference.

As of RECOMB 2010, the conference has included a highlights track, modelled on the success of a similar track at the ISMB conference. The highlights track contains presentations for computational biology papers published in the previous 18 months.

In 2014 RECOMB and PLOS Computational Biology coordinated to let authors submit papers in parallel to both conference and journal. Papers not selected for publication in PLOS Computational Biology were published in edited form in the Journal of Computational Biology as usual.
